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Vintage car drivers on the road for children with cancer

On 4 June 2022, the time had finally come: After a forced break of two years, the 4th Benefit Oldtimer Star Ride and Oldtimer Meeting of the Oldtimer- und Motorsportverein Freigericht e. V. took place for the benefit of children with cancer.

A remarkable 7,000 euros were raised for the Frankfurt Foundation for Children with Cancer from the participants’ entry fees alone. The patron of the event, CDU member of the state parliament Max Schad, together with organiser Dirk Herrmann and Gründau’s mayor Gerald Helfrich, were delighted about this great result. The donation cheque was happily accepted by the foundation’s managing director, Marcus Klüssendorf.

Around 100 vehicles had started at 5 different locations on Whitsun Saturday morning to meet in the afternoon at the car park of Möbel Höffner in Gründau-Lieblos. There, about 300 more lovingly prepared classic cars could already be admired from the morning onwards.

The two bands “Weitsicht” and “Second Spring” provided good musical entertainment in the afternoon with a benefit concert.

Thanks to numerous “culinary donations”, the physical well-being was also well catered for.

A big THANK YOU to Dirk Herrmann and his team for their great personal commitment to the organisation as well as to all the people who – in whatever form – contributed to the great success of the event and the considerable amount of donations.


Frankfurt Foundation
for children with cancer
Komturstraße 3a
60528 Frankfurt

Phone +49 (0)69 678665-0
Fax +49 (0)69 678665-94

Donation account

Frankfurter Sparkasse 1822
IBAN: DE43 5005 0201 1245 6354 40

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