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Scientists from the Dr Petra Joh Research House organise an international conference on resistance in cancer in Canterbury, UK
The emergence of resistance is the main reason for the failure of cancer therapies. For this reason, the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Paediatric Tumour and Virus Research headed by Prof. Dr. Jindrich Cinatl at the Dr. Petra Joh Research House of the Frankfurt Foundation for…

Successful biscuit sale by class 6b of the Kreisrealschule Gelnhausen
In a moving campaign, pupils from class 6b at the Kreisrealschule Gelnhausen sold home-baked biscuits and muffins in the school hall before Christmas. For a symbolic price of €1, they raised an impressive total of €200. But what makes this biscuit sale special is the pupils’ dec…

Hessenschau visits the Dr Petra Joh-Research House (incl. video link)
The Hessenschau crew spent a whole day at the foundation’s own Dr Petra Joh Research Centre to take an in-depth look at the topic of cancer in children and young people. The result is a great report that focuses on the uniqueness of the foundation in the fight for better treatme…

Working in partnership with our foundation for so many years! (incl. video in German)
We would like to thank Frankfurter Sparkasse for recognising our important research work, for the many years of partnership and for the fantastic video with our board member Uwe Menger.
Since our foundation 30 years ago, we have been working intensively with our researchers to i…

Guest on rheinmaintv (incl. video link)
Our foundation, represented by Prof Dr Martin Michaelis and board member Uwe Menger, were recently guests in the studios of rheinmaintv.
In a lengthy interview, they emphasised the importance of cancer research in children and adolescents. Mr Menger from the perspective of an af…

Brother International GmbH runs for a good cause!
After the coronavirus break, we were delighted to welcome Brother International GmbH back to our foundation. The company representatives brought along a cheque for 5,000 euros.
Brother International has been organising the “Golden Ring” charity project worldwide since 2012. The…

On the occasion of World Childhood Cancer Day, the foundation is a guest at the Römer
On International World Childhood Cancer Day, the Frankfurt Foundation for Children with Cancer presented itself in the Kaisersaal of the Frankfurt Römer. We were welcomed by Mayor Dr Nargess Eskandari-Grünberg, representing Lord Mayor Mike Josef. The recognition of our work by t…

WCP GmbH from Messel once again donates € 10,000
In 2023, WCP GmbH in Messel once again donated a 5-figure sum to the foundation. Over the years, more than €100,000 has been raised. We would like to thank Sven Mattis and his team from the bottom of our hearts.
Our board member Uwe Menger and managing director Marcus Klüssendor…