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Auth Klima- und Kältetechnik GmbH
from left: Mr. Dieter Auth (founder of Auth Klima- und Kältetechnik GmbH, Offenbach), Rudolf Starck (Managing Director of the Frankfurt Foundation for Children with Cancer), Mrs. Carola Auth (Finance/Controlling of Auth Klima- und Kältetechnik GmbH, Offenbach)
Mr. Dieter Auth an…

Donation handover of the FC Bayern Fan Club
Roland Hartl (1st Chairman of the 1st Official FC Bayern Munich Fan Club Frankfurt), Yvonne Roehlings (Member of the 1st Official FC Bayern Munich Fan Club Frankfurt), Rudolf Starck (Managing Director of the Frankfurt Foundation for Children with Cancer), Frank Aldenhoff (Member…

Prodyna donation handover
Dr. David Wainwright (Chief Digital Officer Prodyna), Rudolf Starck (Managing Director of the Frankfurt Foundation for Children with Cancer)
Dr. David Wainwright from Prodyna presents our Managing Director Mr. Rudolf Starck with 5,000 euros for the “Hilfe für krebskranke Kinder…

IngDiBa donation handover
Claudia Gerigk (Team Leader, Real Estate Financing Operations 1, ING-DiBa Frankfurt am Main), Rudolf Starck (Managing Director of the Frankfurt Foundation for Children with Cancer), Viola Ruhland (Head of Department, Real Estate Financing Operations 5, ING-DiBa Frankfurt am Main…

Donation handover Cafe Lukas
The team of the popular Neu Isenburger Café Lukas presented a donation cheque for € 800 each to the Nabu local group Neu-Isenburg (left) with Heinz Kapp and Volker Jöckel and to the Frankfurt Foundation for Children with Cancer with Rudolf Starck (third from right), Erika Koeste…

Cash donation from Arnold GmbH
from left: Rudolf Starck (Managing Director of the Frankfurt Foundation for Children with Cancer) and Mr. Markus Bernsteiner (Managing Director of Arnold GmbH)
This year, the Managing Director of Arnold GmbH, Mr Markus Bernsteiner, is once again making a donation to the Frankfur…

Donation of money by the theatre group BOLLERATZE
from left: Rudolf Starck (Managing Director of the Frankfurt Foundation for Children with Cancer) Jonathan Gräser (Technician), Chiara Reinhard, Francesca D’Addario, Lena Schinkel, Emilia Lato (all actresses), Ms Scheidler and Ms Hendrich (Theatre Management of the Bolleratze Th…

Brother Golden Ring Run
Mr Jörg-Stefan Schmitt, Head of Corporate Communications at Brother (right) hands over the donation cheque to our Managing Director Mr Starck.
120 participants were active in sports for the Frankfurt Foundation for Children with Cancer at the second annual Brother Golden Ring Ru…