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WCP GmbH in Messel has also supported the Kinderkrebsstiftung-Frankfurt with a great donation in 2022. Mr Mattis and his team would like to play a part in ensuring that research against cancer in children can continue. They hope that new findings and treatments will be discove…
In view of the tense global and socio-political situation, the management of ALDI SÜD has increased the annual donation budget for 2022 for each regional company in order to be able to support special regional projects or organisations. We are pleased that our foundation, amon…
A big thank you to Mainova AG in cooperation with Spiridon Frankfurt for the opportunity to draw attention to our important research work in the field of childhood and adolescent cancer with a stand at this year’s Spiridon Mainova New Year’s Eve Run on 31 December 2022. Five o…
Supporting the local region not only with IT know-how, but also regularly supporting the work of regional charitable organisations with fundraising campaigns – that is what juunit GmbH has set out to do. As fathers of families, it is particularly important to the two managing …
All children and young people suffering from cancer should be able to be cured. This is the vision of the Frankfurt Foundation for Children with Cancer. For almost 20 years, intensive research has been conducted into the causes of childhood and adolescent cancer in the foundat…
… Markus Bernsteiner, Managing Director of Arnold GmbH Frankfurt, comes to our research house to present a donation for children’s cancer research. This year we were again pleased to receive 1,500 euros. A heartfelt “THANK YOU” for this loyal and valuable support.
The team of FRED Executive Search GmbH had decided to support a regional non-profit organisation with a donation this year instead of Christmas presents to the clients. We are pleased that our charitable Frankfurt Foundation for Children with Cancer was chosen. We were happy t…
On 25 October 2022, the Chairman of our Foundation, Dr Jürgen Vogt, presented this year’s Dr Maresch-Klingelhöffer Award to Dr Johanna Theruvath. She was chosen by the jury for this award because of her research success at Stanford University against aggressive brain tumours i…


Frankfurt Foundation
for children with cancer
Komturstraße 3a
60528 Frankfurt

Phone +49 (0)69 678665-0
Fax +49 (0)69 678665-94

Donation account

Frankfurter Sparkasse 1822
IBAN: DE43 5005 0201 1245 6354 40

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