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The Mildred Scheel Young Investigators Centre in Frankfurt, whose spokesperson is Prof. Simone Fulda, is receiving funding of 10 million euros from German Cancer Aid. This makes the Department of Medicine at Goethe University and the University Hospital Frankfurt one of only f…
Movie/image: Influence of the cellular enzyme SAMHD1 on the antitumour effect of cytarabine (Ara-C) in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) – cell line THP-1. Copyright Cinatl et al. Until now, it has been impossible to predict which patients suffering from acute myeloid leukaemia (…
Prof. Dr. Jindrich Cinatl First steps on the way to a new cancer drug Researchers from Frankfurt and Kent successful in finding ways to overcome resistance FRANKFURT. Researchers from Goethe University and the University of Kent (UK) have found the first step towards a new gen…
A sub-foundation established in memory of Jan Lütt is intended to continuously and sustainably improve the palliative care of children and adolescents suffering from cancer who are being treated at the Clinic for Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine of the Goethe University Hos…
The research groups based in the research house of the Frankfurt Foundation for Children with Cancer have been provided with the high content imaging device “ImageXpress Micro XSL” from Molecular Devices GmbH, a research method that is used in the pharmaceutical and biotechnol…


Frankfurt Foundation
for children with cancer
Komturstraße 3a
60528 Frankfurt

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