Research helps – Not only now

Childhood cancer hits everyone involved like a “bolt from the blue”. From one moment to the next, the view of the world changes, the focus of life shifts. The affected child, the parents, even the entire environment usually fall into a “deep hole”. Despair and struggling with fate in the face of the imminent “loss of one’s own child” now determine the everyday life of everyone involved. Many of us are now experiencing a similar situation due to the worldwide spread of the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), in which isolation from family, friends and school lessons becomes the norm. Especially in these times, it is important to give children with cancer and their families a future by promoting “translational research” with a short path from the laboratory to practical application in patients.
Thanks to the research done so far, about 80% of children with cancer can be cured today! This is an outstanding result compared to “cancer in adults”. Nevertheless – even today every fifth child suffering from cancer still dies. We do not want to and will not be satisfied with this. As the “Frankfurt Foundation for Children with Cancer”, we aim to give every child with cancer a chance of a cure by funding research. We face this challenge even in these difficult economic times for foundations. We sincerely thank all those who have supported us in the past and look forward to your cooperation and donations as well as your interest in the realisation of our goals also in the future.
Stay well with us and, above all, stay healthy. On behalf of the Board of Trustees
Dr. Jürgen Vogt